Yu Kang Trading Co., Ltd. is a trading company that specializes in the biomedical, chemical, and agricultural and fishery fields. We mainly represent products related to graphene, health foods, agricultural greenhouse design structures, and agricultural and fishery additives. We are committed to searching for high-quality products in the global market and then cooperating with agents and professional services to meet customer needs.

Yu Kang Trading (YU KANG TRD) has a team full of passion and professional knowledge. We are committed to establishing long-term cooperative relations with customers, and providing customers with comprehensive product and problem-solving solution design services and support.

We not only focus on product quality, price, and innovation, but also value communication and long-term cooperation with customers.

We believe that through our efforts and the trust of our customers, Yu Kang Trading Co., Ltd. will become your reliable partner.

This Can Be Secondary Heading


Yu Kang Trading is a biomedical trading company that cooperates with many well-known manufacturers to provide customers with advanced genetic testing products, high-quality and affordable medical equipment and consumables, and international brand health food ingredients. We are committed to innovation and breakthroughs, and are dedicated to improving people’s health and quality of life.

This Can Be Secondary Heading


In the chemical field, we search for high-quality, low-cost, and stable new technology products, such as the single-layer graphene agent from a startup company. Using a patented Hummer modification method, the company can produce stable single-layer graphene at a low cost.

Yu Kang Trading provides customers with a variety of chemical raw materials and products, including industrial chemicals, paints, resins, and specialty chemicals.

We cooperate with reliable plastic raw material manufacturers to ensure the supply of high-quality products to meet the diverse needs of customers. We also pursue sustainable development by offering PCR plastics with GRS certification, including FDA-grade PP, PC, ABS, POM, etc.

The Yu Kang team has a wealth of chemical knowledge and expertise, and is able to provide customers with professional solutions and technical support in collaboration with manufacturers.

Agricultural and Fishery fields

Yu Kang Trading is committed to providing advanced, sustainable, and environmentally friendly products. We offer a variety of products, including agricultural machinery and equipment, fertilizers, pesticides, and aquaculture equipment.

We also design greenhouses with affordable prices and high wind resistance coefficients to help farmers develop precision organic agriculture.

Our agent additives help fishermen improve production efficiency and reduce environmental impact. We focus on food safety and environmental sustainability to provide customers with reliable solutions.

English Translation:

Yu Kang Trading (YU KANG TRD) has a team of passionate and knowledgeable professionals who are committed to building long-term partnerships with customers. We provide comprehensive product and solution design services and support to meet the needs of our customers.

We are not only focused on product quality, price, and innovation, but also on communication and long-term cooperation with customers.

We believe that through our efforts and the trust of our customers, Yu Kang Trading Co., Ltd. will become your reliable partner.


We are CGIA Member.

Q & A

Here are 6 key points to consider when developing a product:

  1. Target audience: Who will be using the product?
  2. Benefits: What benefits does the target audience need?
  3. Formulation: Based on ingredient characteristics, palatability, portability, and ease of use for the target audience, determine the dosage form. For example, probiotics are sensitive to moisture and heat, so a powder packet or capsule is better than a liquid or high-moisture product like a gel. Ingredients with an unpleasant taste can be put in capsules. Tasty, palatable forms like beverages, gummies, or powder sticks can increase willingness to consume. Portable forms like powder packets, pouches, or small bottles increase likelihood of purchase and use. Consider the swallowing and chewing ability of the target audience when selecting the form, as beverages may be better for elderly groups while capsules/tablets suit most adults.
  4. Formula: Select functional ingredients to combine based on the needs of the target audience.
  5. Cost: Consider the costs of ingredients, packaging, marketing, etc. Meylon can help select suitable ingredients and packaging based on the desired product cost structure.
  6. Volume: Determine appropriate production quantities based on expected sales volume and the factory’s minimum batch sizes. Larger volumes generally lower production costs per unit.

Rigorous testing and inspection of materials is crucial for companies to deliver high-quality products to customers. There are several key steps involved in materials quality control:

  1. Setting Specifications

Engineering and product teams will determine the critical specifications required for purchased materials. This includes physical, chemical, and performance requirements that suppliers must meet. Clear specifications are essential for quality control.

  1. Supplier Qualification

Potential suppliers are evaluated to ensure they can consistently meet specifications. This may involve auditing facilities, processes, and quality systems. Only approved suppliers are used since the incoming quality of materials heavily depends on the supplier’s capabilities.

  1. Incoming Inspection

When materials are received, inspections are conducted to verify conformance to specifications. This typically includes visual checks, dimensional measurements, testing chemical composition, and performance testing. Sampling plans may be used to pull random samples from larger batches for inspection.

  1. Process Control

During production, processes are continuously monitored to ensure they remain in control. This can involve statistical process control tracking key process parameters over time to identify when a process may be deviating from target conditions. Operators are trained to inspect in-process materials.

  1. Final Testing

Finished products undergo inspections and tests to confirm quality prior to release. Examples include appearance, packaging, dimensions, performance, and life testing. For critical product characteristics, 100% inspection may be conducted.

  1. Documentation

Extensive records are maintained for each step of production and testing. This traceability enables root cause analysis if any non-conformances are found. Records confirm due diligence was followed in verifying quality.

Rigorous quality control requires investment, but prevents defects, hazards, and failures down the line. Setting clear specifications, verifying supplier capabilities, robust inspections, consistent process control, and complete documentation are critical for delivering high-quality materials and products.

The efficacy formula column only shows the most common and general effects. If you have special efficacy claims, we can still find suitable ingredients for you based on your needs and develop special efficacy products. If you have any special needs, please feel free to contact us at any time.

The formulations shown here are more common. But if you have specific benefit claims in mind, we can still source suitable ingredients and develop customized products per your needs. Please contact us anytime if you have particular requirements – we’re happy to create specialized products for you.

Product packaging can vary greatly. Whether you have a rough concept in mind or no clear ideas yet, please reach out to discuss. We’re happy to help design ideal packaging based on your product and vision.

Factories have minimum order quantities (MOQs) for production, which vary by product. If you’re uncertain about volumes or want a rough estimate, please reach out anytime. We’re happy to provide guidance on appropriate batch sizes.