
Privacy Protection

We take protecting your personal information seriously. We treat your data as confidential and handle it carefully per legal data protection regulations and our own privacy policies. Generally, our website can be visited anonymously. We consider any personal information provided voluntarily (e.g. name, address, email) as consent to use it for site functionality. We will not share your personal data with any third party without your explicit consent. Please note data transmitted online may have vulnerabilities, so we cannot guarantee your personal information will not be accessed by others.

Data Collection and Storage

When you visit our site, our servers automatically record access details like IP address, files viewed/downloaded, and time accessed. This data is not tied to individuals. We use it solely to improve site functionality and detect technical issues. We collect and store personal data only as needed to meet your requests, with your consent. We use it to respond to inquiries, provide access to information, and deliver services. We adhere strictly to legal requirements on data quantity and frequency, unless you explicitly authorize additional communication.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

Your personal data is only processed for purposes stated in this policy. We only collect, store, and use it when necessary for legitimate business interests, after carefully weighing all interests involved. We only share data from your inquiry forms with subsidiaries or partners to address your request. We do not disclose your personal data to third parties or sell it commercially without your explicit consent.

Right of Access, Correction, Blocking and Deletion

You have the right to know what data we store about you, where it came from, and where it goes. We will also share why we process your personal data. Aside from legal limitations, you can request correction, blocking, or deletion of your data at any time free of charge. We delete personal data when no longer needed or legally obligated to retain it. Contact us with any questions about use or processing of your personal data.

Contact Forms

Information you submit via contact forms is stored, including contact details, to respond to and process your request. These details are not shared with third parties without your explicit consent.


We use cookies on our site. Cookies do not damage your PC or files, and do not contain viruses. We use them to improve site functionality, efficiency, and security. Most are temporary and deleted when you leave the site. Others remain until manually deleted. Cookies identify returning visitors so settings are remembered. You can configure your browser to get notified of cookies and decide whether to accept them. You can also block cookies from specific sites or have them automatically deleted when you close your browser. Disabling cookies may limit site functionality.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to evaluate site usage. It stores cookies (small text files) on your device to collect data like IP address and share it with Google servers in the US. IP addresses are anonymized for EU and EEA countries. Full IP addresses are only shortened and processed in exceptional cases. Google uses this data on behalf of site operators to evaluate site usage, generate reports, and provide related services. Google does not combine your IP address with other data. You can configure your browser to reject cookies, with the drawback of potentially limiting site functionality. Alternatively, browser extensions are available to block Google data collection.

More Information

We highly value your trust and welcome any questions about how we handle personal data. Please contact us if you have any concerns and we will gladly assist. For inquiries about our privacy policies, please email